Sunday, September 15, 2019

Childhood Cancer Awareness: September's Paint With a Purpose September 10, 2019

It is the start to another new with Hearts of Hope Stratford. Being the first event of the year, I wasn't sure if we would be able to reach out to all of our regular supporters to join us or get any new people to come and see what we are all about. We have been trying to reach out to various groups and organizations and regular folk through Facebook, Eventbrite,  and town events, but it really can be hard to grow a grass roots following in a small town. 
It is important to have a good crowd tonight because we are painting for a very important cause. 

(remember, click on any photo to see it in a larger slide show view)

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness, a cause that can be difficult to talk about, because who wants to talk about children getting cancer. But let's face the facts, children do get cancer, and according to the research, 20% of them won't survive. That is a staggering number! Here are some other facts:

Tonight we invited Grace Targonski  from the organization Caring with Grace to be our guest speaker. Grace started Caring with Grace when she was 10, she is now 16. Caring with Grace is an organization that is dedicated to bring support to pediatric cancer patients and their families in any way possible.  It joins forces with non-profit organizations to offer children with cancer another reason to smile while fighting this disease. It bring encouragement and HOPE to pediatric cancer patients and their families while creating awareness.

Hearts of Hope Stratford has worked with Grace before at the Ronald McDonald House in New Haven when she invited us up to paint with the families who were staying there while her organization prepared an amazing dinner for them, as well as gave them bags full of supplies that she had gotten donated. Like I said before, she is amazing!

Well, I guess I didn't need to worry about people feeling awkward about painting for this cause, because this is the biggest attendance we have ever had.  I realize that Caring with Grace brought her own little army with her, but we had quite the impressive showing of our own.  A total of 64 painters came out to support this cause, creating 79 heart!  I am totally humbled! And I know that the parents of the children who receive these hearts will be forever grateful!

Now, not making excuses, but it is VERY difficult to take photos while you are meeting, greeting, and talking to 64 people...not that I am complaining...I would love to have this problem every month. So those of you who would like to see me lose the camera...keep bringing lots of people to our events and I won't have time to photograph you, lol!

 Miss Lucy and Miss Lilly have come back for another year of volunteering to help set up for our events. I am so happy to have them. They are such good helpers, they know exactly how each table needs to look and they get right to work making things perfect! You are never too young to make a difference!

above photo by Anthony's Army

above photo by Caring with Grace

 After everyone had a bit of time to get settled in and begin painting, we introduced Grace and had her say a few words about her organization and the importance of this month. We presented Grace with our special Hearts of Hope wind-chime in yellow, in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness. We also gave her a huge basket with  hearts that had been previously painted by Eli Whitney Elementary School during their Buzz Cuts and a local boy scout troop. These hearts will be given out by Grace and her volunteers to children undergoing cancer treatments. 

above photo by Caring with Grace

 above photo by Caring with Grace
 above photo by Caring with Grace
above photo by Caring with Grace

We hope to see you next month, October 8th, when we paint for Blue Star Mothers and Families!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

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