The Barnum Service Unit contacted us about wanting to hold a paint with a purpose event. They decided to hold an event that was open to all Girl Scouts and invited them to come to Sterling House and paint hearts on January 25th.
This was a drop in event that lasted 3 hours. Members of many different troops dropped in to paint.
These hearts will be delivered to Lord Chamberlain in Stratford. The Girl Scouts will deliver them, and I am sure between their hearts and their smiles, they will brighten the day of those residents who receive them.
(click on a photo to be taken to a larger view before downloading)
It was a terrible windy and rainy day outside, but you could not tell from the sunny smiles these amazing young women had on their faces.
Some of the hearts were beautifully painted on both sides.
Even some of the troop leaders got into painting hearts.
Half way through I remembered to grab a few photos of some of the groups. Sad to say, I missed a few.
The sash on the left is my mom's. She belonged to the Bridgeport Girl Scout Council in the 1940's and early 50's. Her mom (my grandmother) was one of her troop leaders. The sash in the middle is my sash. I was in the Housatonic Girl Scout Council in the 1960's and 70's. My troop actually met on the third floor of Sterling House. The vest is from one of the troops attending the event. It's amazing how the numbers, councils, and styles have changed, but the power of being a girl scout remains the same!
I love when I get to work with the Girl Scouts! I love that the organization is still popular and continues to empower young girls to become leaders, thinkers, and compassionate human beings. 
Inspiring and beyond. What amazing young women <3