Tuesday, January 28, 2020

January 25, 2020 Girl Scouts Service Project

The Barnum Service Unit contacted us about wanting to hold a paint with a purpose event. They decided to hold an event that was open to all Girl Scouts and invited them to come to Sterling House and paint hearts on January 25th. 

This was a drop in event that lasted 3 hours. Members of many different troops dropped in to paint. 

These hearts will be delivered to Lord Chamberlain in Stratford. The Girl Scouts will deliver them, and I am sure between their hearts and their smiles, they will brighten the day of those residents who receive them.

(click on a photo to be taken to a larger view before downloading)

It was a terrible windy and rainy day outside, but you could not tell from the sunny smiles these amazing young women had on their faces. 

 Some of the hearts were beautifully painted on both sides.

 Even some of the troop leaders got into painting hearts.

 Half way through I remembered to grab a few photos of some of the groups. Sad to say, I missed a few. 

 The sash on the left is my mom's. She belonged to the Bridgeport Girl Scout Council in the 1940's and early 50's. Her mom (my grandmother) was one of her troop leaders. The sash in the middle is my sash. I was in the Housatonic Girl Scout Council in the 1960's and 70's. My troop actually met on the third floor of Sterling House. The vest is from one of the troops attending the event. It's amazing how the numbers, councils, and styles have changed, but the power of being a girl scout remains the same! 

I love when I get to work with the Girl Scouts! I love that the organization is still popular and continues to empower young girls to become leaders, thinkers, and compassionate human beings. 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Animal Shelter Volunteers January 14, 2020

 On January 14, 2020,  we painted for Animal Shelter Volunteers. These dedicated animal lovers get involved and make a difference in the lives of animals who otherwise might not have a chance of being rehabilitated or live a happy life in a loving home. I, personally, owe these people a huge debt of gratitude, for without them, I would not have this amazing, adorable dog that you see below. 

This is my Mia. She is 53 pounds of pure love and joy, and she brings such delight and happiness into my life.  I adopted her from the Stratford Animal Shelter 5 years ago. I can't say that I rescued her, the ACO rescued her from an abusive and neglectful owner. She was 24 pounds when they rescued her, and this poor pup had never seen the outside of her cage, never saw grass, or sunshine, or snow... and she was so fearful and didn't trust a single human because of what she had been through.  

But the Animal Control Officers and the Animal Shelter Volunteers did not give up on her, and they were so kind and patient and loving, and no matter how much she refused to trust them, they refused to give up on her, and I am so grateful they didn't, because I now have the biggest cuddle-bug you ever want to see. 

 She is still wary of strangers, and needs to be properly introduced to them, but once you are her friend, you have a friend for life. 

And so tonight, we thank all the Animal Control Officers and Animal Shelter Volunteers who rescue animals like my Mia and so many more whether they have 4 legs, 2 legs, or no legs. These amazing people deserve our thanks, and tonight we paint to thank them. 

Tonight, we had a Brownie troop join us to paint. They are going to deliver their hearts to the animal shelter in Monroe.

Valerie is one of our regular painters. 

Tonight is Lucy's birthday. She chose to spend it with us instead of having a family birthday party.  Lucy is one special young lady, and we just love her and her sister, Lily!

Painting is a family affair! Carolyn with her daughter and two granddaughters. 

Friends gather here to paint for a purpose. 


Sometimes you have to shine your own light!

Painting makes you hungry!

Painted to Paw-fection

The Brownies have earned their Scout patch tonight!

time for some silliness...

Marianne's hearts are just Purr-fect!

See you next month when we paint for Random Acts of Kindness!
I will post this month's hearts below once they have been mod podged.  Be sure to come back and look!

Update: photo of the hearts created

Update: February 8, 2020:

 I saw on Facebook that the Stratford Animal Rescue Society was having a fundraiser this weekend. 
  And I thought, what a great time to go down to the shelter and surprise the volunteers with the hearts that we made for them at our January's event. So I got in my car, drove to Sterling House to grab the hearts, and headed to the shelter. 

There were a lot of volunteers there working their event, and others were there walking the dogs, taking care of the cats, and greeting visitors and potential new parents. When I told the volunteers at the sign in table why I was there and that I had these beautiful hearts that you had painted for them and the other volunteers, they were beyond excited. The smiles on their faces were enormous and they started to call out to all the other volunteers.

 I heard comments like, "there are good people out there in the world" and "people do appreciate what we do".  They were all so flaggergasted and so appreciative of this gesture of painting a heart and writing a message for them. They have over 45 volunteers, with new one joining all the time, so I left all the hearts with them. This way they can give the extras out to new volunteers.

I think we will have to paint for animal shelter volunteers again next year, so we can give hearts out to animal shelters in other neighboring towns. I am sure they will be as appreciative as these Stratford volunteers were.