Today, 15 students and a Classroom Instructional Assistant from Eli Whitney Elementary School in Stratford either had their heads shaved for the Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer or donated inches of hair. The girls who participated today have been growing their hair for at least two years in order that it would be long enough to meet the guidelines for donation. The hair they donate will be turned into wigs for cancer patients. The boys have been growing their hair since the fall and fundraising for the Tommy Fund. This is the 8th year that Eli Whitney's students have been raising money and donating their hair for this worthy cause.
Like Hearts of Hope, The Tommy Fund is an all-volunteer organization.
The Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer acts as a helping hand to the pediatric oncology section of the department of pediatrics at the Yale School of Medicine and the Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven.They support families whose children are undergoing cancer treatment at The Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer clinic located in the Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven by providing direct payment for rent, mortgage and utility bills, so that parents can take time off from work to tend to their child.
While some of the children waited for their turn to have their hair cut, they came to our table and painted Hearts. Others painted their Hearts after their hair was cut. These hearts will be combined with some other hearts we have and be distributed to cancer patients.
The event starts with the participants and their families and supporters watching a video about The Tommy Fund.
As you can see, News 12 is here filming the event.
The "Mystery Teacher" who has agreed to have his head shaved, CIA Patrick Baird.
Thank you to the stylists at Total Image Salon, who once again donated their time and talent.
Half way through the event, I discovered that this hairdresser is one of my former students! It was so great to see Virginia again. She was such a wonderful girl and she has grown up into a generous and amazing young woman.
I was having so much fun watching the kids getting their haircuts I almost forgot to get photos of them painting Hearts of Hope. Thank goodness Sue Basciano was there for me.
Lexi and her beautiful heart.
The Whitney Whale and Mr. Einstein Veteri
Four friends very proud of their part in making a difference in this world!
photo borrowed from Ryan's mom
The Whitney Whale has offered to give Einstein a hair cut!
click to see the video: The Whitney Whale give Einstein Veteri a haircut